NAF16: Neighbourhood and Territory


Nomadic Arts Festival 2016: Neighbourhood & Territory 23rd-25th September is a performance and cultural festival, co-organised and hosted by A4 – Centre for Contemporary Arts, Bratislava. The aim is to engage with the local community around A4, by bringing the textures of the neighbourhood into the forefront, through research, arts and cultural activity. The festival is thus an investigation into Neighbourhood and Territory, which will celebrate and explore the area by inviting local, regional and international artists and researchers to work with local citizens, initiatives and NGO’s. The research aims to shed new light onto our own position in the place (home) where we live and questioning what our roles are within it: socially, environmentally and globally.

The Nomadic Team 2016:

Dominika Belanská (Jedlé mesto), Anna Ulahelová, Viktorija Ilioska, Petra Nagyová, Mads Floor Andersen and Lucia Dubačová & Philo van Kemenade (Unfold)

Nomadism […] is not fluidity without borders, but rather an acute awareness of nonfixity of boundaries’

– Rosi Braidotti

Nomadic Arts Festival 2016: Susedstvo a teritórium
23. – 25. september

Po tom, ako Nomadic Arts Festival vznikol v Poľsku a cestoval do Ríma, sa dejiskom jeho tretieho ročníka stane bratislavská štvrť v okolí križovatky ulíc Šancová a Karpatská a obľúbeného trhoviska Žilinská. Nomádsky festival umenia spojí obyvateľov a návštevníkov tohto susedstva prostredníctvom netradičných predstavení domácich a zahraničných umelcov, hudby a rozmanitých spoločných aktivít. Nomadic Arts Festival je experimentálny festival, ktorý sa venuje prepájaniu, komunite a inakosti cez netradičné formy umenia. Návštevníci festivalu spoznajú počas jedného víkendu zaujímavé miesta bratislavskej štvrte pod hlavnou stanicou, dozvedia sa viac o živote a práci miestnych ľudí a budú  mať príležitosť zamyslieť sa nad tým, aký význam majú susedské vzťahy. Program festivalu vznikol v úzkej spolupráci s ľuďmi, ktorí v susedstve žijú a zapoja sa do neho aj rôzne kultúrne inštitúcie, neziskové organizácie a iniciatívy, ktoré v okolí pôsobia.

Nomadism […] is not fluidity without borders, but rather an acute awareness of nonfixity of boundaries’

– Rosi Braidotti

Nomadic Arts Festival 2016: Neighbourhood and Territory
23rd-25th September

Nomadic is a performance and cultural festival taking place in a local area around the two streets: Šancová and Karpatská, Bratislava. The aim is to engage with the local community around A4, by bringing the textures of the neighbourhood into the forefront, through research, arts and cultural activity. The festival is thus an investigation into Neighbourhood and Territory, which will celebrate and explore the area by inviting local, regional and international artists and researchers to work with local citizens, initiatives and NGO’s. The research aims to shed new light onto our own position in the place (home) where we live and questioning what our roles are within it: socially, environmentally and globally.

Andrea Boldišová
Curated by Petra Cepková at mini Art

PAS | Performance Art Studies
Founded by Johannes Deimling

Alberto Gramegna
Curate by mini Art

Susedenie / Neighbouring
(Exhibition and Human Library)

In collaboration with
and Amnesty International Slovakia

So fa So good na Šanci
 (Milan Hudek a Július Glass)
In collaboration with Vagus: Domec

San Vata a Milan Cholecky a Miktorija
(SK, MK)
In collaboration with Kunstverein Bratislava

Robert Paršo
Curated by Salónik

Organised by:


in Co-organisation with:

Susedenie na Sanci logo (without textJedle mesto_LOGO3
Susedenie na Šanci

Festival z verejných zdrojov podporil Fond na podporu umenia.
/ Supported using public funding by Slovak Arts Council.

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