NAF16: Bratislava

Nomadic has now arrived in Bratislava, where it will establish its nomadic camp in association with A4 – priestor súčasnej kultúry. Over the next year NAF will explore Bratislava and especially the area and neighbourhood of A4 and this blog is created to weekly update the process and unfolding of 2016 festival.

As a first act of arriving NAF was included in A4 market stall at the Dobrý trh market, where Viktorija Ilioska and Mads Floor Andersen carried a sofa (found next to the bin!!!) around the market, inviting people to sit and have a chat, as well as offer them to write a message on the sofa. A lot of children loved the chance to draw on the sofa, though adults and youth equally enjoyed the comy seat and the possibility to use the pen. It was a reall wonderful day, with sun and happy happy people!

NAF as certainly arrived and can’t wait to explore and get to know Bratislava more

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Photo credit: Juraj Bartoš